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What I Really Do - AZ Trail

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Which one do you think of when you hear someone is hiking 800 miles across Arizona?
Hike On
I Love It When...

This weekend was a flurry of progress on final plans for my AZ Trail hike. Still a lot more to do, but big progress.
- A Buddy: For the first few days at least, from the Mexico border to Patagonia, I'll be hiking with Colton. I met his dad online, chatted on the phone, and talked with Colton today. Sounds like a great guy and we've got similar goals and plans for our hikes. It's good to have someone else on the trail, especially in that part of the state, so I'm told. My mom can relax now.
- A Flight: I bought my plane tickets from MSP to Tucson, arriving on March 15.
The travel industry is crazy. I had an alert set up on kayak.com and the prices went up and down daily like a yo-yo for two weeks. I wound up paying $160 for a one-way ticket. I'll get my return flight when I'm nearly done with the hike. - A Room: a friend from college is letting me bunk overnight in Tucson. I'll have Friday to buy food, ship a package down the trail, and do last minute stuff.
- A Start Date: We're hitting the trail at about 6:00am on St. Patrick's Day - how cool is that? Gives us a long day to make our first miles.
So, the actual plans for the hike are pretty much done. Now, I just have to actually do it. The rest of my To Do list are support things, like enabling my ability to blog from the trail, email subscribers to my updates, map tracking, and other fun stuff.
Oh yeah, we're supposed to get a foot of snow tomorrow so I'll be taking a few rest days from hiking.
I'm visiting a scout meeting tonight to tell them about my hike, show my gear, and promote the ScoutStrong Program.
Hike On
2nd Quilt

It's green rip-stop nylon and a bit shorter and skinnier than my first in an effort to reduce weight. It weighs 1lb. 15oz. I was hoping it would weigh less, but I think the insulation I used is heavier for the amount of loft - in other words, not as good as expected.
The quality of insulation is really key to a warm quilt with less weight. Down has the best loft to weight ratio, but messy to work with, expensive, and loses loft when moist.

It only took me about 2 hours to make this quilt. Since it's mostly just long, straight stitches, there's not much to it. Keeping the many thick layers laying flat and in line is the most difficult part.
Fortunately, my neighbor had some extra brown yarn for the quilting laying around when I found out we had none. It's a good thing I'm leaving on my hike soon or I'd probably wind up making a third quilt somewhere between the first two in thickness.
Hike On
DIY Pack

With very little seam ripping and only two permanent alterations (mistakes), I've got my pack I plan to use for 2,000 miles this summer. It is a G4 pattern that I purchased online and sewed at home.
I've been hiking with the pack filled to about 24 pounds this past week and it carries just great. I've added cut pieces of 3/8inch foam pad to the shoulder straps and waistbelt instead of using socks and gloves for padding. I figured the extra 1.1oz. is worth the comfort, and it IS much more comfortable. I also just designed and made slip-on waistbelt pad extenders last night. These have a belt-wide strip of foam to cover my front hipbone that often gets bruised.
Here's more info:
- Weighs 12.2oz. plus 2.4oz of removable foam pad
- has about 4000 cubic inches
- top-loading main compartment and three large mesh outside pockets, plus 8 tie-on points
- has no frame - uses foam pad for support
- made of 2.2oz. grey rip-stop silnylon and black oxford
- adjustable shoulderstraps and waistbelt

It seems to have plenty of room for my main gear and I've not used the side pockets yet. I expect to fill those with water during my Arizona hike in a couple weeks. My sleeping quilt gets stuffed in first to fill the bottom and raise the heavy stuff up a bit. I don't squish the quilt down too much, but use the weight of gear above it to compress it down.
I just have one section of a blue foam pad for the back. Most people use a foam pad for sleeping and fold it up to provide the pack structure here. I'm using an inflatable pad instead, but it's 72 inches and I need 78 or my feet are on the ground. So, I lay the pack under my feet and have plenty of insulation and comfort there.
There is quite a bit of stress on the pack where the shoulder straps and waistbelt connect to the pack since this is where all the weight hits. I've double bartacked those points and the material seems to be plenty strong to handle the stress. I guess we'll see as I make my way from Mexico to Utah next month.

The top has a drawstring and two velcro strips to hold it shut. This top collar can also be extended up if you have a big load. But, be careful about overloading the pack - it's lightweight and should not have more than 25-30 pound load in it.
You can see how the pack top loads here. By packing sleeping gear first, you don't need to dig deep until it's time to set up camp. Keeping the daily needs, such as food, water, maps, hat, filter on top or in mesh pockets makes rest breaks easier to manage.
Oh, the two alterations I made?
- I attached the pack back and sides incorrectly which subtracted about 400 cubic inches of the bottom area.
- One seam on the collar faces out rather than in - I blame that one on the instructions, though.
Hike On

This entire past week, I've been too busy to blog. But, today I got to take a big breath and relax!
In a nutshell, here's what I've accomplished:
- Finished sewing my backpack (pics soon)
- Sewed a 2nd sleeping quilt (thinner than first)
- Hiked about 40 miles (hills with my trek poles)
- Presented Wilderness First Aid training all weekend
- Got a couple new supporters of my long hikes
- Got new shoes for my AZ hike
I emailed some boy scout troops in Arizona, letting them know about my hike plans for the Arizona Trail and how they can join my ScoutStrong Challenge - you can too. Some are hoping to hike with me somewhere along the trail. One guy might let me stay at his cabin. And, another might help me reach the trailhead and hike the first few days with me.
I've also chatted with some AZ hikers online and they've been very helpful with trail, water, and planning questions. It's looking like I might have a place to crash in a handful of towns along the trail which will be so cool!
Hike On
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Posted: 02/21/2012
Posted: 02/21/2012
Don't Forget

Even if you hate chocolate - don't forget.
Even if you feel it's just a Hallmark Holiday - don't forget.
Even if you think killing flowers goes against Leave No Trace ethics - don't forget.
Hike On
(and don't forget)
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Posted: 02/14/2012
Posted: 02/14/2012
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