Up early with a hour to kill before breakfast, I walked up a trail for a half hour then back down to the refuge building. Fueled up on some oatmeal, dried fruit, and bread with marmalade (Lots of bread here) before our hike of the day.
Of course we hiked uphill but this time it was a very steep trail that took us to the Spanish border. This picture is the pass border at 2600 meters (8500 feet) with a wild view down into Spain. Up here there was just barren rock and a constant buffeting wind. Still, it was a shirt and shorts hike with yet another day of excellent weather. We only got a couple drops when a cloud rolled by.
From the border pass, we descended the 3600 feet to the trailhead over the same path we had climbed the day before. Much easier going down, but near the bottom where it is very popular and crowded, we came upon two separate injuries. One was a young girl that had collapsed and the other was an older man who feel and hit his arm and head. We stopped and offered help both times but it was declined. The man walked out ok but an ambulance arrived to take the girl out.
It has been great saying Bon Jour dozens of times as we negotiate past other hikers. People on the trail were friendly, as usual. Tomorrow starts our journey towards home.
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