An 8.6km hike up into the Pyrenees along magnificent waterfalls, cliffs, and alpine meadows brought us to our home for the night.
We started at the Pont d'Espange and gained about 700 meters to 2200 meters elevation where there is a wonderful refuge. It is like a hostel with right crowded dorm rooms and shared toilets, but very clean and nice. The place is packed!
Our stay included dinner of lentil soup, lasagna, bread, cheese, and a brownie. In the morning, we'll also have breakfast.
The hike up started in clouds but we soon broke through to beautiful blue skies between towering mountains. I even saw my first real wildlife of the trip - 3 huge marmots!
The trail is actually a small stretch of the famous GR10 - look it up. We met a couple at dinner that did the same hike as us today but are continuing on a loop into Spain, going hut to hut and hiking about 12 miles a day. They are from Belgium. That sounds like a lot of fun, not needing to carry all your food. Maybe some day.
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