Enjoying Civilization Post
I'll be back to hiking bright and early tomorrow, keeping my eye open for other hikers to say 'Howdy' to on the trail - maybe you'll cross my path? But, for one more evening, I'm really enjoying time to relax in a cool home, eating real food, and not worrying about how much water I need to carry or where I'll find the next small puddle.
I hit the jackpot at Albertson's grocery store today - Snickers bars were 2/$1.00 AND each one got me a monopoly game piece! So, I figure I'm practically guaranteed to win a Mustang with the 2 dozen game pieces I got. That takes care of my trip home to MN from AZ. ;-)
Now we're headed to the post office to send off my supply boxes down the trail. I've still got to find some Honey Buns which I've heard lots of thru-hikers talking about eating. I'll let you know when I track some down - probably in a Circle K or AM/PM somewhere out there.
I'm really looking forward to visiting with a couple scouting folks in Pine and Flagstaff - I hope the dates work out.
Hike On
I hit the jackpot at Albertson's grocery store today - Snickers bars were 2/$1.00 AND each one got me a monopoly game piece! So, I figure I'm practically guaranteed to win a Mustang with the 2 dozen game pieces I got. That takes care of my trip home to MN from AZ. ;-)
Now we're headed to the post office to send off my supply boxes down the trail. I've still got to find some Honey Buns which I've heard lots of thru-hikers talking about eating. I'll let you know when I track some down - probably in a Circle K or AM/PM somewhere out there.
I'm really looking forward to visiting with a couple scouting folks in Pine and Flagstaff - I hope the dates work out.
Hike On
Posted: 16:24 03-27-2012 785
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All Comments:
Mar 27, 2012 - Amy H
Honey buns are usually in Walmart over by the little Debbie cakes in boxes. often next to the loaf bread. They aren't that great... :)
Mar 28, 2012 - Cathy
Enjoying reading your posts and imagining hiking through the desert terrain that also includes mountains.
Mar 28, 2012 - Jeff Knoll
Been following your progress. Every "dot" brings back memories of my son's trek in 2008 as well as what you will be heading into the next days. I also want to confirm you received my email with maps/directions in Pine. Hope we can meet up. Would be great if you could contact me before then 602-295-6805. Hike On! and keep an eye out for Gila Monsters.
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