Shelter Upgrade Post

Here's a big THANK YOU to Charlene at the Tucson Quilter's Market for her generosity today. She let me use one of their sewing machines to add a one foot wide bug net around the bottom of my tarp tent.
Now, I'll have more headroom to sit up and I won't have to worry about ants, scorpions, snakes and other crawlies visiting me in the night. It will also allow ventilation out on the hot desert.
I sure didn't realize how nice a day off the trail feels. I feel like I could go and pound out 25 miles right now. But, when I step out into the Tucson heat, I get over that feeling real quick. :-) You should have seen the wonderful roast beef my friend cooked for dinner last night. That hiker hunger I've heard about seems to have caught up with me. I had a Big Mac and fries for lunch and could have had another. But, instead I bought a head of lettuce and ate that along with two bananas and two kiwi fruit. Wonder what's for supper?
Hike On
Posted: 17:29 03-26-2012 783
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All Comments:
Mar 27, 2012 - Ed Kautz
Did you hike into Tucson? Aren't scorpions, snakes and crawlies all edible? You can post at breakfast and lunch too... let's see what the trail looks like... and the beard! Keep it interesting for us lazy flat-landers...
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