20-Miler Post

When a scout wants a merit badge, it is so much more fun. He sets up meetings with the counselor, plans his requirement completions, and pushes to get things done. He is stepping out to engage adults rather than being pulled along with a group.
I've got a First Class scout anxious to reach Star before the September court of honor. He has just two merit badges to finish. Since he started Hiking in the spring to prepare for his Philmont trek, he's decided to complete that one.
He's arranged two hikes and we're doing his 20-miler today. On the last hike, we finished up the first aid and 'discussion' requirements. Today, it's just hiking around with a couple buddies - and lunch at Subway!
See you in 7 hours.
Hike On
Posted: 7:01 08-18-2011 653
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