Kehly Finishes Post

I got to meet Kehly on the trail in the Kettle Moraine which is a bit of a funny story.
While Papa Bear (PB) and I were on a rest day in West Bend, we checked Kehly's blog and saw she was hiking through the area a couple days behind us. PB has done some Trail Magic out on the Pacific Crest Trail and thought it would be cool to give Kehly some encouragement on her trek.
(Trail Magic happens when someone unknowningly gives aid to a hiker. Something like giving them food, a ride into town, or maybe even a night's rest in a real bed! I received just tons of trail magic on my Ice Age Trail hike from some wonderful people all over Wisconsin!)
We knew the general area where she'd be hiking and, in this area, the trail crosses various roads every 3 to 6 miles. We hopped in the car and headed out to the trailhead that we knew she could not possibly be past yet.
I got out and hiked up the trail to the next trailhead while PB drove around to that same trailhead. The hope was that I would run into Kehly on the trail.
No luck! After about 4 miles, I came to the trailhead with PB waiting in the car. I continued onto the next 3 mile stretch while he drove around to the next trailhead.
No luck! You get the picture? :-) So, I hiked on while PB drove on.
But, this time, just as I walked over a hill and around a corner, I saw someone hiking up the incline towards me, forging ahead with her head down and a determined stride.
When I called out 'Howdy!', she literally jumped a bit. :-) I guess it was startling to hear an unexpected voice when you think you're all alone. Kehly had seen my blog and thought we were far ahead of her, so she was quite surprised when I told her who I was and explained we were taking a day off. But, I hope the cold lemonade I gave her helped her believe I wasn't some weirdo on the trail.
We chatted a bit and hiked her direction to the trailhead where I left her to continue on while I hiked back to the next trailhead to find PB. Our hope was to meet her down the trail at the next crossing so PB could say 'HI' and encourage her.
Unfortunately, either Kehly hiked very fast or we were impatient. I found PB, drove to a trailhead we figured Kehly could not have passed, and waited. And waited. But, we never did see her again so PB didn't get to meet her.
At least I got to do a little trail magic, even though it may have been more mysterious than magic to the hiker.
Hike On
Posted: 23:19 10-27-2013 1070
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Nov 04, 2013 - Greg
Hi hiking dude,just wanted to thank you for giving us a heads up about the logging going on at bear lake segment.myself and Don our chapter head went out and marked it so it was possible to navigate.It really is a mess out there.Thanks again.
Greg and Arichie
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