Respect Wildlife Post

When you encounter wildlife, you should have respect for them and leave them alone. It's best to give them plenty of room and observe from a distance. If they change their behavior because of your presence, then you are too close. This deer was right on the trail and bounded off about 60 yards, then stopped and watched. So, my approach did change his behavior, but I had little choice since he was on the trail. I didn't hang around, just long enough to take the picture and then move on.
Other ways to respect wildlife include camping far from water sources so they have easy access, avoiding areas where young are being raised in the spring, avoiding food sources in the fall when animals are preparing for winter, and keeping a clean camp by disposing of waste properly.
I'll probably see quite a few of this guy's buddies throughout Wisconsin next month.
Hike On
Posted: 10:26 07-25-2013 967
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