August 18 - We've been hiking South for four days with the wind nearly constantly blowing strongly into our face. Today, we continued South to Singi Fjallstuga (Singi mountain station) where our route split off from the Kungsleden to take us east.
We climbed up about 500 meters to a low pass into the next valley, and of course the wind now blasted from the east!
In the morning, we had a mother and baby reindeer walk right across the trail. Later in the day, we saw 4 more up on the pass. So, we've seen our share of reindeer - no other animals though.
We saw many beautiful waterfalls and everyone on the trail is drinking water straight from the streams. We filtered the first day, but now have been taking our chances from small streams tumbling down off of high, empty mountain tops.
We met a great young swedish family and drilled them with tons of built up questions about animals, wild berries, the tundra, and much more we had been wondering about.
Our longest hike so far at 16 miles, we just kept walking and passing possible campsites until we reached the Kebnekaise mountain station area and stopped just outside their 'no camping' boundary. We were able to hike all day with no rain, but it started raining just as we began to set up our tent. We climbed in and again cooked our meal in our tent vestibule.
Next: Kunglseden 2024 - Day 6
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