Day 32: Eclipse Day Post

I traveled about 17 miles today.
8/21/17 Before our hike started, we had some key chores to attend to. I went to the Oroville post office to pick up my shoes, but Wal-Mart sent them via FedEx so the post office sent them back. So, a 2 mile round trip walk to the country store and I've got a cheap pair that will hopefully last 250 miles at least. To backpack through the northern cascade mountains we are supposed to have a permit, so Josh spent a lot of time and a handful of phone calls trying to get our magic 5-digit permit number. In the end, they have all our info but did not get back to Josh with the code number. Oh well, we might be able to contact them in 155 miles to straighten it out. For the great eclipse of 2017 we noticed our shadows got a little blurry. Then it just got hot again. We both feel this may have been the hottest hike of our trip and we both got a little burned. Seventeen miles of very hot paved road got us to Palmer Lake campground. There are car campers all around. We are sleeping out with no tent again, pretty certain there will be no rain and few bugs. I tend to worry about upcoming parts of the hike. Josh just forges ahead. For example, we have a huge climb tomorrow after we walk 13 miles. I'm concerned about the heat and water. But, it all tends to work out. At about 10pm, a car drove in and set up camp right by us. It took him almost 30 minutes of idling car with headlights shining in our tent and him pounding stakes into the ground and talking. We were quiet as mice at 5:30am when we got up and hit the road.
Posted: 15:05 08-28-2017 1398
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