Stopped at Pont du Gard for a couple of hours of walking before thefinal leg to Geneva. Pont du Gard is an amazing three tier aquaduct structure over the Gard river build around 50AD by those silly Romans with too much manpower and big ideas. This is just one part of a 31 mile long aquaduct that brought water from a spring to the city of Nimes. It is just amazing what was accomplished if you can look past the horrid abuse that certainly must have happened to the people that had to labor in building it.
I hiked up a hill to take this picture but we also walked across the structure to reach the interesting museum on the left bank. The museum explains how the aquaduct was made and has a lot of other historic info. Tons of people and many school groups covered the area on this hot, sunny, but dry day.
It was interesting to see graffiti carved into the rock, some with dates in the early 1800s.
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