Wind, Rain, and a Bonus Post

After a night of less than restful rest, we had a great morning of windy, cool walking through Marathon. The first couple miles took forever since we stopped for groceries, and replacement water bottles for me. I had left mine on the picnic table last night and some helpful person the them out as garbage. The trail was away from the road all morning and had benches every mile or so. We saw many bike riders but no other hikers. The afternoon was a different hike. Mist turned to drizzle then to real rain, all driven by a robust headwind. It wasn't much fun on a 3- mile bridge crossing when even all the fishermen were leaving. At least we were not on the road shoulder toss time. We had no spot for tonight since we changed our plan to reach Islamorada. All the state parks are full but we planned to check at Long Key state park. The park ranger got us a ' primitive ' tent spot for just $14. As you can see, this is a VERY cool site. We are on a covered platform only 10 feet from the Atlantic ocean! No tents needed, and we're just hoping the breeze continues to keep any bugs away. Tomorrow calls for rain all day so we'll enjoy what we have now.
Posted: 17:21 01-05-2016 1230
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All Comments:
Jan 06, 2016 - Tom Salwasser
Thank goodness those vitamin water bottles are ubiquitous! Wow what
a great campsite for $14 right on the ocean. I will file that one
away for future reference. Really enjoying following along. How's
Josh doing?
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