We got some pizza for lunch then resupplied food for 4 days at the grocery. I got waaay more than I probably need, but I now have my stove and need to stay stronger.
After that, I went to a local outfitter (not terribly helpful) and bought this nice, light pair of merrill shoes and some thicker socks - the hope being better support will help my foot pain.
I've been eating fruit and sandwiches all afternoon and evening as well as drinking lots of water and chocolate milk.
The chills have subsided finally but I've still not had to use the restroom (tmi) so I continue to drink water.
The shoes were quite expensive but feel nice so I have high hopes that tomorrow goes well. I'm hoping we do a short day, but VT Is stir crazy having been here waiting 4 days.
It's just super that they have let me hike with them. I've discovered that I am really not a solo hiker - I need other people around or it's not even a little enjoyable.
So, there we are. New shoes, food, and we'll see what the next couple days bring. If I'm not better in the morning, I'll stay another day, otherwise it's back on the trail.
By the way, these were three most tame shoes - some wild colors out there!
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