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Hiking Mantras

Many, I'd say MOST, people I've met on trail listen to music while they hike. It's a great way to help pass hours of walking, especially on the less interesting portions of long trails. And, with electronic music players so tiny and inexpensive, it's very easy to provide a little entertainment along your walk.
I've tried it on one long hike. My wife loaded some albums on my cellphone and showed me how to get it to play song after song, one after another, cycling through dozens of tunes. It was a big change to get used to for me.
I felt like I was insulated and missing out on the natural sounds around me. My stress raised a bit because I wondered if something important was happening around me that I didn't notice - like a snake, mountain lion, or bear sneaking up on me. Or, more seriously on roads, a car approaching - I'd never consider plugging my ears on a road walk.
So, I don't listen to music much while hiking. Do you? Has it ever caused you any problem?
The fact that I don't have earbuds in doesn't mean I don't enjoy songs while hiking. I will often hum or even try to sing songs, especially ones that have a beat close to my footsteps. I've found that can really help me keep my pace going longer and I think it helps me do more miles. I tend to sing out loud more when I'm solo hiking in remote areas - I once had a summer job peeling paint off camp buildings just by singing at them.
Here's a very old song that pops into my head when I'm plodding up a long hill, or sometimes a never-ending flat section. I guess it's kind of my Hiking Mantra. It gives me energy, lightens my mood, and makes walking fun again. Plus, it can make the hot sun feel a little cooler.
What about you? Do you have any favorite songs you like to sing out loud, or just listen to for motivation, when hiking? Maybe I can give yours a listen.
Hike On!
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Posted: 05/10/2018
Posted: 05/10/2018
Next Hike...

After tramping around my local area for the past few months, doing my 5-7 mile morning walks, and not having much to write about, I've got some news to share.
My next long hike isn't really going to be very long, but it will take a long time to get to it. Anyone recognize the photo above? It's a very well-known mountain and I'll be standing on top of it on Valentine's Day 2019 with my wife (and probably a few dozen other people).
Something like 50,000 people try to climb this 5,895 meter (19,341 feet) high peak each year with about 65% of them being successful. We are going with an organized group from our church being guided by an outfitter at the mountain. It will be an 8-day trek up and back down, but covers only about 71km ( or 44 miles).
Well, enough suspense - we will be taking the Lemosho Route up Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Kili is the highest mountain in Africa, with Uhuru Peak being the highest point.
It will be weird to have someone else carry all my gear, have someone cook my meals, and sleep in huts. But, that's the way it's done with the guides and porters, so it will be a new experience.
I'm hoping for clear weather so we can summit and have great views since I doubt I'd make another effort after this one.
After our climb, we will spend a week visiting communities in the area, and going on a couple short safaris. I've never been to Africa, so this is a very exciting opportunity to learn more and meet people on the other side of the world.
Hike On!
Green Belly Meal2Go

I've tried various nutrition bars for hiking energy, but they tend to be lacking in the taste department and get boring pretty quickly.
So, when Chris at GreenBelly.co sent me a few of his Meal2Go food bars to try, I didn't have high hopes. But, I'm always willing to try new things. Lucky for me this time.
Well, I ate 1/2 of a Peanut/Apricot bar (2 bars per pouch) about halfway through my 5-mile morning hike today. It was great! When I opened the resealable mylar pouch and took a whiff, it really smelled like fresh peanuts. The brown rice was crunchy and the tapioca syrup held the bar together, giving it a nice chewy feel. The taste was also very good, like dried fruit and nuts rather than sugar and dry flour. 3 hours later and I'm just now starting to get hungry again.
On my long backpacking treks, I'm leaning towards no-cook meals these days. I can see these Meal2Go bars being a great part of a backpacking meal plan. Eating a whole bar seems like too much to me. Since the pouches are resealable, I'd consider breaking the bars up and repackaging 1/2 a bar of each flavor into a pouch. That way, I'd get a variety of flavors while hiking through the day. They'd be a good on-trail snack for grazing as a replacement for trail mix or candy bars.
There are three flavor choices: Cranberry/Almond, Dark Chocolate/Banana, and Peanut/Apricot
The bars are 117 calories/oz in a good mix of fat, carbs, and protein. There are two bars in a pouch for 645 calories in 5.5 ounces. Each pouch itself is heavy-duty mylar with a resealable zip so they can be reused for storing other food that you open but don't finish.
I'm looking forward to trying the other flavors on more hikes soon. Find out more at GreenBelly.co and add some nutritious mix to your outdoors menus.
Hike On!
No Fame 4 Me

This week, they announced that casting was closed and they've contacted those that will move forward with the project - we weren't contacted. :-(
Oh well, now my summer is free for other adventures. I'm most likely going to see how fast I can thru-hike the 310-mile Superior Hiking Trail in July. The record is just over 8 days, so there's a slim chance I can better that by a couple hours if I can just do it before the real heavy-duty long distance hikers discover this wonderful trail. Once 'Anish' decides to do it as a warm-up hike, that's game over. (look her up online, she's amazing)
If you're looking for a companion on a week or two hike between now and November, give me a holler. I'm always interested in any place new, and I certainly don't need to hike 20+ mile days every day (but I can).
Hike On!
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Posted: 06/12/2018
Posted: 06/12/2018
SHT Prep

I traveled about 8 miles today.
Check out my current location on the map. Looks like everything is aligning for me to hike the Superior Hiking Trail again. I've been sweating up the local hills every morning doing about 10 miles and the legs feel good. The weather looks good with mild temps and just an occasional chance of rain. Hopefully, the humidity won't be bad. The plan is to head to Grand Marais on Thursday and start hiking at the Canadian border early Friday morning. If all goes well, I'll finish on the next Friday or Saturday. I'm hoping to do the entire 310 miles down to the Wisconsin border but we'll see what happens. This post is mostly to test that my phone blogging is working.
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Posted: 07/17/2018
Posted: 07/17/2018
Something Interesting
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Posted: 07/20/2018
Posted: 07/20/2018
Something Interesting
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Posted: 07/20/2018
Posted: 07/20/2018
Done Hiking Today

I finished hiking for today. You can check out my current location on the map and I'll post about my day when I am in coverage.
Something Interesting
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Posted: 07/21/2018
Posted: 07/21/2018
Done Hiking Today

I finished hiking for today. You can check out my current location on the map and I'll post about my day when I am in coverage.
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Posted: 07/21/2018
Posted: 07/21/2018
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