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First Gear Project

Sewing is actually a lot easier than I expected. The seams aren't perfectly straight, but it turned out like it was supposed to.
And, it only took about 2 hours for the tutorial and completing the project.
Now I'm looking forward to seeing what else I can create.

It's mostly intended for sleeping when winter camping, or at elevations such as those found on the Pacific Crest or Continental Divide trails which result in freezing nighttime temperature. I was expecting to use it this winter, but we've had much warmer than normal weather.
As you can see, the hat expands and has about an inch of loft all around. The drawstring is to hold it as snug as you like.
It is reversible so I can wear it with either my blue or grey outfit and stay fashionable. :-) As a matter of fact, it is so cool, I had to wear my shades when modeling it here.
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Posted: 01/04/2012
Posted: 01/04/2012
Who Does That?

They account for the majority of vandalism and litter I see on the trail and at trailheads. I often wonder what person does this. Maybe I know him. Maybe he's a friend of mine.
This Ice Age Trail route sign is a perfect example of someone with a gun, boredom, and low braincell counts. OK, that wasn't very nice, but really? I mean, Come On!
This was at a point where the trail crosses a fairly remote dirt road and that small yellow sign makes a great target.
I also imagine the vast majority of trail vandalism is done by males, and probably young males. Does this sound like a good opportunity for discussion the next time you go hiking with some youth? Keep your eyes open for vandalism and ask what they think of it.
Who does it effect?
What cost does it have?
How does it diminish the outdoors experience?
What can we do about it?

Now this one will take volunteer time and money to replace - efforts that could have been spent on trail improvements elsewhere.
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Posted: 01/03/2012
Posted: 01/03/2012

It's always a good thing to take some time to reflect on what you've accomplished and make goals you'd like to attain. January 1 is a perfect date to do this, being sort of a reboot of time each year. Being resolute is a characteristic of good leadership and self-discipline - defining success and then pushing ahead until success is reached.
If you've not made any new year's resolutions yet, take ten minutes and jot down a few so you can check your progress over the year. Here's a couple of mine:
- Walk 3000 miles - that's 800 on the AZ Trail, 1100 on the Ice Age Trail, and 1100 on conditioning hikes.
- Blog 300 times - this will be the most difficult
- Make 30 new friends - not Facebook friends, real people. I hope to meet them on the trail, at presentations, church, and in business.
Now, I need to set my resolve and make these more than just wishes.
Hike On
(and have a Happy New Year)
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Posted: 12/31/2011
Posted: 12/31/2011
The Cold Won't Kill Ya ...

I've decided 5 degrees is about as cold as I enjoy being out hiking miles. Colder and the layers of clothes make walking less enjoyable. But, down to 5 and my trail shoes, longjohns and nylon pants, fleece jacket and rain coat, mittens, hat, and scarf work perfectly without being overly bulky. This week it's popped back up to 40 with mist and fog so I've got at least a few more days to hike.
In wilderness first aid, we discuss what time of year is the most dangerous for hypothermia. When your body loses more heat than it can generate for long enough, your core temperature drops, resulting in hypothermia. Often, the first thought right out of the gate is 'January!' but then we chat a bit.
Hypothermia can happen any time of year, but the colder the temperature gets, the faster your body loses heat. So, January makes sense. But, in the dead of winter around here with -20° days, we expect cold so we wear parkas, mukluks, mittens, and balaclavas to insulate us. Besides that, and just as important, everything is frozen solid - that means it's not wet. You can hike through miles of snow and stay completely dry.
Staying dry is a great defense against hypothermia. Hiking at a steady rate without working up a sweat, dressing in layers, ventilating your clothes, and wearing rain gear are all good ways to minimize moisture on your skin. Water transfers heat 50+ times as much as air.
So, spring and fall tend to have more wet weather. Which is worse?
After warm summer days, a wet Fall day feels cold so we protect ourselves. A 35 or 40 degree day in Spring feels tropical and people are tempted to go out with inadequate protection - especially youth. When they get wet, real trouble can happen quickly.
Whether heading out for an afternoon hike or a long trek, staying warm and dry should be part of your preparation.
The cold won't kill ya - the wet will.
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Posted: 12/14/2011
Posted: 12/14/2011

Cairns vs. Art
Some people mentioned that rock cairns are useful for marking the trail so the rock stack I found should be left alone. The rock stacks were most definitely NOT cairns. The trail is manicured and so encompassed by forest that a person would need to work at getting off the trail.
Rock Art does not adhere to the ethics of Leave No Trace. Some of the specific LNT items to consider are:
- Use a map and compass to eliminate the use of marking paint, rock cairns or flagging.
- Leave rocks, plants and other natural objects as you find them.
- Do not build structures, furniture, or dig trenches.
- Respect other visitors and protect the quality of their experience.
If a person subscribes to the LNT philosophy, then piling rocks isn't something that person would do. It is something we should be teaching youth not to do when we have the opportunity.
There is certainly a place for rock art, and nature art in general. Some people make a living from it - see Andy Goldsworthy. But, we shouldn't be building artworks in the wild, or on public lands, and leaving them for others to observe after our hike.
Building Cairns
Cairns are definitely useful in some areas. Many land management groups build and maintain cairns to mark the trail, similar to blazes on trees. For example, see this cairn construction page. A group spends time removing unofficial cairns and rock art to improve the usefulness of the maintained cairns.
In a pristine environment, hikers should have the opportunity to feel like they are the first explorers. No trail markings are needed through an area with no trail. Cairns in a pristine area may concentrate traffic to a specific path, creating a trail counter to LNT philosophy, rather than dispersing traffic to keep the area pristine.
In an area with established trails, cairns or blazes made by the responsible land agency are adequate. Individuals adding to them can cause confusion and unneeded visual impact.
Here are a couple other pages you might review - Leave what you find, LNT Blog
If you are a proponent of LNT, please take care in how the philosophy is shared with others. You can do it reasonably in an effort to help others understand the value, or this way - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jdfr9x8M8Vw
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Posted: 12/05/2011
Posted: 12/05/2011
Appropriate Art?

The quandry comes from the location of this person's efforts. It is in a state park and along a well-trafficked trail. Most people come here, I believe, to walk through the woods and enjoy the natural beauty around them. None are expecting man-made artistic structures along the trail.
So my perceived dilemma is, should I admire the rock pile and leave it as I continue my hike, or should I take off each rock and toss it out into the woods?
The first response recognizes the efforts of the person and leaves the art for others to enjoy because it really does look pretty cool. The second puts more importance on the natural beauty and feeling that the wilds are unspoiled, and also supporting the minimal impact and leave no trace ethics.
If I were to encounter this in a wild area, my choice would easily be made to dismantle the structure. In my view, the wilds should remain as natural and wild as possible and man-made impacts should be removed.
But, this was along a frontcountry trail where folks hike for an hour or so and there are rest benches, toilets, water fountains, and picnic tables in the area. For all I know, it's possible this art was approved by the land manager to make the trail more interesting. After all, lots of other people have walked past them and left them there.
In this case, I left them alone but have sent an email to the Department of Natural Resources contact to ask what they would prefer to have done with them.
Whatever the response (I'll let you know), I do hope we all agree that it is not our place to create artistic sculptures, structures, drawings, or whatnot out in the public wild places. Minimizing our impact and allowing future visitors to experience as wild and natural a place as we enjoyed is our duty.
Would you have taken the rock piles apart or left them for others to enjoy?
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Posted: 11/30/2011
Posted: 11/30/2011
First Steps

The volunteers that maintain those segments have done a great job. Along the way, there were four or five placards that described the terrain from the glaciers, the people that created the trail, and other interesting tidbits. If the rest of the trail has such kiosks, and well-marked routes, it will be a wonderful trek.
I did notice that someone had vandalized some of the trail signage - what a shameful way to waste money, effort, and time put out by volunteers to improve life for all of us.

Walking down a sidewalk in West Bend, I could have easily walked right past this pole if not expecting the cut-off into the forest. I found that I got tuned into keeping an eye out for yellow blazes and had no problems.
I stopped at a gas station for a Snickers bar and almost asked the clerk if he knew about the Ice Age Trail just to see. I can see I'll have to work on being a bit more outgoing with strangers to get the most fun out of these hikes. Just a bit over 3 months before I start for real.
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Posted: 11/29/2011
Posted: 11/29/2011
GeoPal Pedometer

At just the perfect time, an opportunity to test a new GeoPal pedometer came up at OBN and I got chosen as a participant. So, I've been wearing a GeoPal on my hikes for the past week or so to see if it does what I need. I just clip it on my shoelace and walk - pretty simple. When I get home, I look at the number of steps displayed.
It's a very cool little gadget, doing more than just count my steps - which it does very well. It's an accelerometer pedometer which is better than pendulum design. It has the date and time so I don't really need a watch. It stores 21 days of data, automatically starting a new day of steps at midnight. You can wear it on your wrist, hip, or shoe - I use the shoe so it's out of the way and more accurate.
The market for GeoPalz is youth, with a goal of increasing physical activity levels by making running around rewarding. To reach this goal, they've created a fun website called GeoPalz.com where kids can track their steps and earn stuff, ranging from frisbees to gift cards - I've already got almost enough steps for a sports bottle! Each person can set up their step length, height, weight, age, and other details to accurately track miles walked and calories burned. That's probably more interesting to parents or someone on a fitness program. My favorite part of the GeoPalz website is a map that automatically shows how far you walked, from your hometown to neighboring towns. As your accumulated miles grow, you reach distant towns.
Since GeoPalz are aimed at youth, the pedometers have tons of different emblems from which to choose to make them more personal, from butterflies to skateboards. In my case, I didn't really want to walk aroud with a flower on my foot, so I trimmed off the soft plastic piece, reducing the weight of the device as well - it's just 0.6oz now. It has a very strong clip and dust/water cover that I could remove and probably drop it to 0.3oz but I'm not that much of a gram weenie.
I plan to keep tracking my training hikes and then wear my GeoPal across Arizona in the spring. I'll let you know how many steps it is from Mexico to Utah, and other trails after that.
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Posted: 11/22/2011
Posted: 11/22/2011

Click the image to see a short video of the three deer I saw, plus one. They were beautiful. And, they were at about 7 miles of my 11-mile hike.
This week I've been trying to identify at least 10 animals on each hike. Today, I got eight - deer, crow, goose, duck, red squirrel, grey squirrel, cardinal, robin. We've had exceptionally nice weather since summer, but that's due to end tomorrow with rain/snow right around 35° all day. But then we're right back to sun for another week.
So, it's not too late to invite some folks out on a hike and stretch your legs.
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Posted: 11/18/2011
Posted: 11/18/2011
Rodent Rescue

This is obviously better for livestock using the trough, but hikers that refill their water bottles benefit as well. There's a good chance I might need to use one of these water troughs while I'm hiking the Arizona Trail next spring, so 'Thanks, Scouts!'
See this page.
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Posted: 11/16/2011
Posted: 11/16/2011
Week of Walking
I got in 40 miles this past week, 8 miles each morning. It continues to be crisp (that's 'cold' for some of you down south) so I have the trail almost all to myself.
There's not much to see for the first 45 minutes since it's so dark, but as the sky lightens I can make out critters ahead and birds around.
Yesterday I was entertained by a young eagle. It was very windy blowing across a lake enough to cause whitecaps. The trail skirts by the shore and the eagle was riding the wind above the trees along the shore scanning the water for an easy breakfast - maybe a dead fish blown to beach.
He floated effortlesssly, slightly twisting his tailfeathers or neck to work his way down the shoreline. I was jealous.
A murder of crows (look it up) was harassing the eagle, swooping in and banking off at the last instant. If you've not seen crows do this to hawks or other large birds, you've missed out. I'd think the eagle would get fed up and turn on them, but he just seems to ignore them and they keep acting tough.
Next week's forecast is just 10% chance of precipitation and more 'crisp' mornings, so it looks like another great week of hikes ahead. They (whoever they are) are calling for snow showers Thanksgiving week, but we'll see.
Hike On
There's not much to see for the first 45 minutes since it's so dark, but as the sky lightens I can make out critters ahead and birds around.
Yesterday I was entertained by a young eagle. It was very windy blowing across a lake enough to cause whitecaps. The trail skirts by the shore and the eagle was riding the wind above the trees along the shore scanning the water for an easy breakfast - maybe a dead fish blown to beach.
He floated effortlesssly, slightly twisting his tailfeathers or neck to work his way down the shoreline. I was jealous.
A murder of crows (look it up) was harassing the eagle, swooping in and banking off at the last instant. If you've not seen crows do this to hawks or other large birds, you've missed out. I'd think the eagle would get fed up and turn on them, but he just seems to ignore them and they keep acting tough.
Next week's forecast is just 10% chance of precipitation and more 'crisp' mornings, so it looks like another great week of hikes ahead. They (whoever they are) are calling for snow showers Thanksgiving week, but we'll see.
Hike On
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Posted: 11/13/2011
Posted: 11/13/2011
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