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Day 4 - Leaving Mishicot
We left Mishicot after a terrific french toast breakfast using real home-made bread! We're on a road walk due east to the Lake Michigan shore followed by a nice, long trail walk to Manitowoc.
The short trail through Mishicot included this cool covered bridge that originally led to a brewery across the river. There is also a popular salmon run up to the Mishicot dam from the lake.
Hike On
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Posted: 08/06/2013
Posted: 08/06/2013
Mosquitos, finally
This morning, we've walked about 17 miles from Mishicot to Two Rivers via the Point Beach state forest. We found where all the mosquitos have been hiding!!! Our bug suits worked wonderfully and were a real fashion statement.
We have about 11 more miles today - it's a long one!
Check out my current location on the map.
Trail Journal
I traveled about 28 miles today.
Camp Rokilio Rox! We hiked here from Manitowoc today on almost all roadwalking. The hike wasn't too exciting but the destination is great! We arrived just at dinner and the staff was very welcoming. They are just starting their last session of Cub World for all cub scouts so the staff should be pretty tired - but you couldn't tell.
We've been given a cabin in which to stay and a scout staffer is driving us back to the trail early tomorrow. Oh, dinner was great too!
After dinner, I was asked to talk to the cubs and I just let them ask me questions for about 5 minutes. It was fun and there were still more hands up when we finished.
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Posted: 08/07/2013
Posted: 08/07/2013
Early Morning Walk
We got an early start with a ride from a very helpful scout back to the trail at 6am. We've hiked 7.5 miles - all on roads - and are now resting on the front porch of the old hotel at the Rhine Center intersection. Check out my current location on the map.
Today will be short with my mom shuttling us back to Potowatomi to get my vehicle and make plans for the next week or so while staying at my folks'.
Yet another beautiful day walking through the farmland of Wisconsin. A 3mile trail section is ahead and then the long Kettle Moraine forest trails.
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Posted: 08/08/2013
Posted: 08/08/2013
Racetrack Shortcut
I walked about 19 miles yesterday.
As we approached the Elkhart Lake area, some very loud mosquitos could be heard in the distance. Over the next hour of hiking, it became clear they were racecars at the Elkhart Speedway - amazing how far across the country the sound carries!
After completing the La Budde segment, we altered our roadwalk to the main entrance of the raceway. PapaBear's overwhelming power of suggestion convinced a gate tender to let us visit for free (rather then $30 each) so you can see our route goes right through the facility and out the southern gate. It wound up adding < 1/2 mile. The cars and crews were fun to watch as we strolled through the paddock area. No $3 pepsis for us, though.
We sped through the first 3 miles of the Kettle Moraine forest to meet our ride. Back to Potawatomi for the van and finally to my folks' home around 8:30 for a long day with not many trail miles.
The cars in the pic are Porsches doing practice laps.
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Posted: 08/09/2013
Posted: 08/09/2013
Kettle Moraine
In the Kettle Moraine this morning. Slackpacking along making good time - 7.5 miles so far. Plenty of woods and bugs!
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Posted: 08/10/2013
Posted: 08/10/2013
We've been looking for a place to take a break for the past hour and came to Butler Lake about 11.5 miles in. A very nice, open spot with picnic tables and a wonderful, COLD water hand pump - and 4 backpackers enjoying the Kettle Moraine. We had a nice chat with Tony and friends away from the small swarm of bugs that's been following us.
Now, they're on their way north and we're continuing southbound.
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Posted: 08/10/2013
Posted: 08/10/2013
Day 8 - Kettle Moraine
I traveled about 28 miles today.
We made it to the hwy H trailhead to end the day. Bug suits were used the entire day and we got a few jealous looks from folks passing us on the trail.
At a water stop at a campground, we met Gary and his family and friends. I noticed his Philmont scout ranch t-shirt right away and we were welcomed to sit for awhile. Gary had just returned with his Hartford troop from a great trek in New Mexico.
After a cold coke, we continued the last 9 miles through the forest on a very nice trail with lots of small ups and downs.
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Posted: 08/10/2013
Posted: 08/10/2013
West Bend Segment
Walking the beautiful Kewaskum and West Bend segments today. The new DCA site by Sunburst ski hill looks nice, if a little slanted. Meeting quite a few folks on the trail doing Sunday hikes.
The rain has started so it might be a short day.
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Posted: 08/11/2013
Posted: 08/11/2013
Rain Day
I traveled about 12 miles today.
The West Bend segment is a very nice, well-groomed trail. This boardwalk over a marsh, a stroll along Silver Creek, and a selection of lunch spots at the Hwy 33 crossing are a few of the highlights.
Our hike got cut short today when the rain started. We'll have plenty of days to walk in rain, and were looking for an eas day anyway, so we took the afternoon off.
My new pack is working well and I tried out a new pair of very light shoes - we'll see how they feel tomorrow before swapping out my New Balance 606s.
It's been a nice break to visit with my family while also getting some miles done. In a couple days, we'll be back in the 'wild' with full packs.
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Posted: 08/11/2013
Posted: 08/11/2013
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Feb 13, 2020 - Jason Berklund
Hey hiking dude I have several questions planning my first north to south trip
from 270 all the way down. I kind a know what to wear what to eat all that
important jive. I am in relatively good shape definitely Not concerned about
where in tear. 45 years old going with a 21-year-old nephew. My question is
I have friends in Duluth that I don’t want to burden with driving me what’s the
best way to get up to otter Lake Road that’s not gonna cost a crap ton. We
were thinking 15 miles a day. We were also thinking hammocks. Let me
know what you think please. I have read so much and look at so much and
heard so many opinions but You seem to be very realistic on your
comments. Thank you
Feb 13, 2020 - Hiking Dude
@Jason - Hammocks work fine - most campsites have lots of trees.
15MPD is realistic, and you'll probably do more than that many
Getting to the northern terminus is expensive (in my mind). If you can schedule correctly, Arrowhead Transit is cheapest to Grand Marais, but then Harriet Quarles is the only shuttle I know of. You might find a good ol' boy in Grand Marais willing to drive you the 35 miles to the end for a few $$$.
It's a 3 hour drive from Duluth - that's 6 hours and 300 miles round-trip. Maybe your friend would like to drive up the north shore for a day.
Getting to the northern terminus is expensive (in my mind). If you can schedule correctly, Arrowhead Transit is cheapest to Grand Marais, but then Harriet Quarles is the only shuttle I know of. You might find a good ol' boy in Grand Marais willing to drive you the 35 miles to the end for a few $$$.
It's a 3 hour drive from Duluth - that's 6 hours and 300 miles round-trip. Maybe your friend would like to drive up the north shore for a day.
Feb 04, 2024 - John
Me and my fiance are going to Costa Rica for our honeymoon and we
are so excited!
May 02, 2024 - Zeke Mead
Has anyone cycled this Camiño? Sounds like the trail is a road
and if trucks are able to do it, maybe bikes too?
May 03, 2024 - Hiking Dude
@Zeke - Someone could certainly bike part of the Camino de Costa
Rica, but other parts are simple trail that would not be passable
by bike.
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